The Heat is On! Confronting Climate Change in the Classroom
A National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center, the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) is based at the University of Kansas. CReSIS focuses its research on understanding the role of the polar ice sheets in sea level rise as a response to global climate change. The education team at CReSIS offers professional development workshops titled, “The Heat is On! Confronting Climate Change in the Classroom,” that focus on global climate change, its impacts on the cryosphere, and the remote sensing techniques used at CReSIS. Participants in the workshops have the opportunity to meet and work with world class scientists addressing climate change and sea level rise issues and develop resources to use in the classroom.
The 2008 summer workshops are now over. Details about workshops during the summer of 2009 will be available at the beginning of the spring semester.
Below are videos of scientist presentations at the workshop with the accompanying PowerPoint presentations. These videos must be viewed with Internet Explorer.
Talk 1: Introduction to Climate Change - Dr. Richard Alley
Slides: (pdf) (ppt)
Talk 2: Glacier Flow - Dr. C.J. van der Veen
Slides: (pdf) (ppt)
Talk 3: Energy Balance and Circulation Systems - Mitch Oswald
Slides: (pdf) (ppt)
Talk 4: Sea Ice - Dr. Victoria Lytle
Slides: (pdf) (ppt)
Talk 5: Ice Cores and Climate - Dr. Lonnie Thomposon - Coming Soon
Slides: (pdf) (ppt)
Talk 6: Radar and Satellite Remote Sensing - Dr. Chris Allen
Slides: (pdf) (ppt)
Talk 7: Global Climate Models - Dr. Johannes Feddema
Slides: (pdf) (ppt)
Talk 8: Local and Regional Impacts - Dr. Nathan Brunsell
Slides: (pdf) (ppt)
Talk 9: Slip Slidin' Away - Dr. Sridhar Anandakrishnan (video coming soon)
Slides: (pdf)