Expected ADC noise floor @ ADC -60.0 dBm
Expected Rx noise floor @ ADC -51.0 dBm
Expected levels only valid for param.presums = 1
Noise power (dBm) at each ADC rx input and relative to 50 ohm (dB):
ADC	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20	21	22	23	24	
Noise	-50.9	-51.0	-51.0	-51.5	-52.3	-51.1	
Rel	-50.9	-51.0	-51.0	-51.5	-52.3	-51.1	

DDS_time_error (ns)
/process/mcords/board0/mcords3_0_20161020_161050_00_0034.bin	-2.70	0.00	-1.45	-1.50	0.00	-2.03	0.00	0.00
                                  Mean Error (slope removed)	-1.8	0.7	-1.0	-1.3	0.0	-2.3	-0.4	-0.7
                                                            	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS

DDS_amp_error (dB)
/process/mcords/board0/mcords3_0_20161020_161050_00_0034.bin	1.3	0.0	-0.0	1.3	0.0	0.1	Inf	Inf
                                                  Mean Error	1.3	0.0	-0.0	1.3	0.0	0.1	Inf	Inf
                                                            	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	FAIL	FAIL
                                                            							Inf>3	Inf>3

DDS_phase_error (deg)
/process/mcords/board0/mcords3_0_20161020_161050_00_0034.bin	-2.2	0.0	-0.8	-13.0	0.0	-0.5	0.0	0.0
                                  Mean Error (slope removed)	-2.2	0.0	-0.8	-13.0	0.0	-0.5	0.0	0.0
                                                            	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS	PASS
Recommended equalization coefficients (averaged results)
  Date of processing: 20-Oct-2016 12:27:04, mocomp 2, wf/adc 5/5 bins 2560-2622
td settings
mcords3_0_20161020_161050_00_0034	5.78	0.15	4.08	5.26	0.00	2.10
amp settings
mcords3_0_20161020_161050_00_0034	3.0	0.7	1.0	3.1	0.0	2.8
phase settings
mcords3_0_20161020_161050_00_0034	-39.4	-52.8	-43.9	-17.4	-0.0	-44.0
Rx Path
1	2	3	4	5	6	
Original/Recommended/Difference td settings (ns):
6.96	1.50	5.55	6.41	0.00	3.04	
5.78	0.15	4.08	5.26	0.00	2.10	
-1.18	-1.35	-1.47	-1.15	0.00	-0.94	
Original/Recommended/Difference amp settings (dB):
2.9	0.6	1.1	3.1	0.0	2.9	
3.0	0.7	1.0	3.1	0.0	2.8	
0.1	0.1	-0.1	0.0	0.0	-0.1	
Original/Recommended/Difference phase settings (deg):
-37.3	-53.4	-44.2	-13.2	0.0	-43.1	
-39.4	-52.8	-43.9	-17.4	-0.0	-44.0	
-2.1	0.6	0.3	-4.2	-0.0	-0.9