MISSION: Pole Hole East DATE: 20141023 SPECIAL ISSUES: DATE NOTES: For good measure, following guide and commenting on each action step. STEPS FOR STARTUP Power to GPS - check Power to dds - check Run dds software(run via exe) - check Run radar software (run via exe) - check Today's happenings: Taxi - 1147 z Takeoff: 120021 z Ramp-pass: No ramp pass Coordinated UTC: 123200 PA fans: 1135 PAs on: Records: segment00 - equalization_10us Okay,so thereare a bunch of messed up files all with acquisition numbers 00 01 and 02... Anything prior to about 1600 z is pretty much bad. Will retake the buried noise analysis after flightline. segment 01 (post 1600 z) - 2-wf high altitude segment 02 - 2-wfhigh altitude post pole segment 03 - flight line 1500 ft surveymode segment 04 - 2-wf high altitude post flightline segment 05 - first iteration of tx cal using a newly created eq_10us file. Seemed to work well!