MISSION: Flight canceled DATE: 20141015 SPECIAL ISSUES: None DATE NOTES: Changed MCoRDS time zone to UTC Coordinated Universal Time >> basic_noise_analysis_2014_Antarctica_DC8 ======================================================== Loading data (0.0 sec) Path: \\\f\board0 Match: mcords3_0_*_00_0001.bin Loading file \\\f\board0\mcords3_0_20141010_032129_00_0001.bin Loading wf 3, adc 1 Loading wf 3, adc 2 Loading wf 3, adc 3 Loading wf 3, adc 4 Path: \\\f\board1 Match: mcords3_1_*_00_0001.bin Loading file \\\f\board1\mcords3_1_20141010_032129_00_0001.bin Loading wf 3, adc 5 Loading wf 3, adc 6 Loading wf 3, adc 7 Loading wf 3, adc 8 Expected ADC noise floor @ ADC -62.0 dBm Expected Rx noise floor @ ADC -45.0 dBm Expected levels only valid for param.presums = 1 Noise power is in dBm: -44.2 -43.3 -43.4 -43.6 -44.3 -42.7 -62.4 -62.5 ^^ This is old. Only keeping it for reference. Took 5 files noise data. Moving all files over to MyPassport for later analysis Check with John & Fernando: PA cooldown? notes/GPS files left on MCoRDS, or all migrated to server? Record increment--allow new segment? Note: NEED to have the folders board0 and board1 wherever radar data is written to. It won't record otherwise--NOR will it give an error. WHERE IS GPS DATA?? It looks like it was formerly written to C:/radar_data, but nothing showed up when I recorded data and it threw no error. Is this correct, or am I looking in the wrong place? The GPS seconds was showing up, but I don't know that we were actually getting GPS because, well, we're the only instru team on the plane.