System: MCoRDS Operator: Bruno Camps Date:04/22/2013 Mission: Sea Ice Canada Basin - Thule Objectives: Land / Sea Total Data Collected: GB -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight Segment 1 - High altitude transit and ice caps DDS Config File: default_highaltitude_10us.xml Radar TX ON: 112100 cpu Radar TX OFF: 124500 cpu Radar Record ON Time: 112300 cpu Radar Record OFF Time: 124500 cpu * Start Files: mcords3_0_20130422_112301_00_0000.bin End FIles: mcords3_0_20130422_124527_00_0397.bin * Special Notes: Any special notes for about this flight segment. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flight Segment 1 - Noise recorded over sea ice DDS Config File: noise_test_wff.xml Radar TX ON: 124800 cpu Radar TX OFF: 132300 cpu Radar Record ON Time: 124900 cpu Radar Record OFF Time: 132300 cpu * Start Files: mcords3_0_20130422_124914_00_0398.bin End FIles: mcords3_0_20130422_132347_00_0557.bin * Special Notes: Any special notes for about this flight segment. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flight Segment 1 - Noise recorded over sea ice DDS Config File: default_1_10.xml Radar TX ON: 143900 cpu Radar TX OFF: NA Radar Record ON Time: 144000 cpu Radar Record OFF Time: NA * Start Files: mcords3_0_20130422_143959_00_0000.bin End FIles: mcords3_0_20130422_145341_00_0063.bin * Special Notes: We are flying at 1500 ft, Some noise seemed to start showing up on channel 7 again. We will record data until we go back to high altitude. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flight Segment 1 - Default DDS Config File: default_1_10.xml Radar TX ON: 150700 cpu Radar TX OFF: 172500 cpu Radar Record ON Time: 151000 cpu Radar Record OFF Time: 172500 cpu * Start Files: mcords3_0_20130422_150707_00_0000.bin End FIles: mcords3_0_20130422_172545_00_0636.bin * Special Notes: Check noise on channel 7 after measuring S21 with antenna 10 (ch6) and reconnecting the cables. It may be due to a bad connection that goes loose with time. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flight Segment 1 - High altitude land ice DDS Config File: default_high_altitude_10.xml Radar TX ON: 172600 cpu Radar TX OFF: 182000 cpu Radar Record ON Time: 172600 cpu Radar Record OFF Time: 182000 cpu * Start Files: mcords3_0_20130422_172649_00_0637.bin End FIles: mcords3_0_20130422_182036_00_0896.bin * Special Notes: Record in normal mode at 15,000 ft ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++