System: MCoRDS Operator: Bruno Camps Date:04/08/2013 Mission: SW Objectives: Land Total Data Collected: 849 GB ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight Segment 1 - Purpose DDS Config File: default_1us_10us.xml Radar TX ON: NA Radar TX OFF: NA Radar Record ON Time: NA Radar Record OFF Time: NA * Start Files: mcords3_0_20130408_111159_00_0000.bin End FIles: mcords3_0_20130408_174309_00_0761.bin * Special Notes: Server went down for approx 15min around 12:45pm, no local data were recorded but We orbited to restsrt the serve: last recorded file before server fault: mcords3_0_20130408_144124_00_0964.bin first recorded file after server reboot: mcords3_0_20130408_145728_00_0000.bin ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++