Quick Notes Preflight Checklist: - First check all AC plugs on the back to make sure non has gone lose or come off - Unplug APC OIB1, use same outlet (directly from aircraft power) to plug hair drier. - For t<20 Fahrenheit, use hair drier to warm up UPS modules and lower left area in general (including power supples PS001 and PS002). - Once OIB2 is warm, power it up and turn on the right section from top to bottom: PD001, NI, and DDS001. - Keep warming up UPS OIB 1 and PS002 and PS001 - Unplug hair drier and plug OIB 1 back on same AC plug Run RADAR software: 1) Open C:\Users\digital\Desktop\wavegen_EMI\DDS_GUI.lvproj 2) Open DDS_GUI.vi and run it 3) Open MyComputer, check drive letter for MCoRDS drive mount. Make sure that same drive is selected on the DDS GUI (left). Open that folder (folders board0 and board1 should be visible). Copy a logfile template from desktop to that main folder and make sure it gets copied. If this fails, go to Troubleshooting step 1. 4) Check flight plan with aircraft crew (John Sonntag) to estimate altitude which will determine which config file to load - Low altitude (survey): "default_1_10.xml" - High altitude (transit): "default_highaltitude_10us.xml" - For a "tomography mission" use "tomography.xml" - For TX calibration, use "tx_equalization.xml" - For noise testing, use "noise_test_wff.xml" 5) "Program" DDS into off-state by clicking on "Program" on the right hand side. You may need to click several times until buttonlights up for about one second. Note: make sure "time enable" is OFF before programming 6) Open Radar GUI "C:\Users\digital\Desktop\Radar\clk2v4\main4v6_h_paden_gps - Copy.vi" 7) Run it, wait for NI cards to light up and then load same config file that was loaded in step 4 8) Click "Radar On" and then "FPGA FIFO On". Enable channels 6 and 7 9) Make sure that the numbers in "GPS Time In" keeps increasing 10) Change the number in "HI presums" as needed to see updates in the plot. Increase the bin # as needed depending on altitude Troubleshooting STEP 1: If (3) does not work