Operator: Bryan Townley Date:3/1/2013 Mission: Lexon Line - Thule Objectives: Primary target is sea ice. Some land ice at the beginning. Total Data Collected: 35 GB -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight Segment 1 - GPS Test DDS Config File: default_highaltitude_10us.xml Radar TX ON: 122920 Radar TX OFF: Left running Radar Record ON Time: 122940 Radar Record OFF Time: 123416 * Start Files: 20130321_123636_00_0014.bin End FIles: 20130321_x_00_00xx.bin * Special Notes: Quick GPS test ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flight Segment 2 - Transit from Thule to Survey Line DDS Config File: default_highaltitude_10us.xml Radar TX ON: Left Running Radar TX OFF: 130650 Radar Record ON Time: 124600 Radar Record OFF Time: 125609 * Start Files: 20130321_120212_00_0000.bin End FIles: 20130321_123957_00_0020.bin * Special Notes: Land ice portion