This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (MiKTeX 2.9.6500 64-bit) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2019.5.21) 30 NOV 2019 17:27 entering extended mode **./igs2eannalsguide.tex (igs2eannalsguide.tex LaTeX2e <2017-04-15> Babel <3.15> and hyphenation patterns for 76 language(s) loaded. 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LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpretobibmacro with sig. 'm' on line 133. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xapptobibmacro with sig. 'm' on line 135. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xshowbibmacro with sig. 'm' on line 137. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpatchfieldformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 139. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpretofieldformat with sig. 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Defining command \xapptonameformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 151. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xshownameformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 153. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpatchlistformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 155. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpretolistformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 157. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xapptolistformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 159. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xshowlistformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 161. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpatchindexfieldformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 163. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpretoindexfieldformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 165. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xapptoindexfieldformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 167. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xshowindexfieldformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 169. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpatchindexnameformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 171. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpretoindexnameformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 173. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xapptoindexnameformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 175. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xshowindexnameformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 177. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpatchindexlistformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 179. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpretoindexlistformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 181. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xappindextolistformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 183. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xshowindexlistformat with sig. 'O{*}m' on line 185. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpatchbibdriver with sig. 'm' on line 187. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xpretobibdriver with sig. 'm' on line 189. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xapptobibdriver with sig. 'm' on line 191. ................................................. ................................................. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command" . . Defining command \xshowbibdriver with sig. 'm' on line 193. ................................................. ) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\geometry\geometry.sty" Package: geometry 2010/09/12 v5.6 Page Geometry ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\graphics\keyval.sty" Package: keyval 2014/10/28 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC) \KV@toks@=\toks20 ) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\oberdiek\ifpdf.sty" Package: ifpdf 2017/03/15 v3.2 Provides the ifpdf switch ) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\oberdiek\ifvtex.sty" Package: ifvtex 2016/05/16 v1.6 Detect VTeX and its facilities (HO) Package ifvtex Info: VTeX not detected. ) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\ifxetex\ifxetex.sty" Package: ifxetex 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional ) \Gm@cnth=\count196 \Gm@cntv=\count197 \c@Gm@tempcnt=\count198 \Gm@bindingoffset=\dimen148 \Gm@wd@mp=\dimen149 \Gm@odd@mp=\dimen150 \Gm@even@mp=\dimen151 \Gm@layoutwidth=\dimen152 \Gm@layoutheight=\dimen153 \Gm@layouthoffset=\dimen154 \Gm@layoutvoffset=\dimen155 \Gm@dimlist=\toks21 ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\geometry\geometry.cfg")) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\footmisc\footmisc.sty" Package: footmisc 2011/06/06 v5.5b a miscellany of footnote facilities \FN@temptoken=\toks22 \footnotemargin=\dimen156 \c@pp@next@reset=\count199 Package footmisc Info: Declaring symbol style bringhurst on input line 855. Package footmisc Info: Declaring symbol style chicago on input line 863. Package footmisc Info: Declaring symbol style wiley on input line 872. Package footmisc Info: Declaring symbol style lamport-robust on input line 883. Package footmisc Info: Declaring symbol style lamport* on input line 903. 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LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathbf' in version `normal' (Font) OT1/cmr/bx/n --> OT1/lmr/bx/n on input line 31. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathsf' in version `normal' (Font) OT1/cmss/m/n --> OT1/lmss/m/n on input line 32. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathit' in version `normal' (Font) OT1/cmr/m/it --> OT1/lmr/m/it on input line 33. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathtt' in version `normal' (Font) OT1/cmtt/m/n --> OT1/lmtt/m/n on input line 34. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathbf' in version `bold' (Font) OT1/cmr/bx/n --> OT1/lmr/bx/n on input line 35. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathsf' in version `bold' (Font) OT1/cmss/bx/n --> OT1/lmss/bx/n on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathit' in version `bold' (Font) OT1/cmr/bx/it --> OT1/lmr/bx/it on input line 37. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathtt' in version `bold' (Font) OT1/cmtt/m/n --> OT1/lmtt/m/n on input line 38. ) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\amsfonts\amssymb.sty" Package: amssymb 2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS font symbols ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\amsfonts\amsfonts.sty" Package: amsfonts 2013/01/14 v3.01 Basic AMSFonts support \symAMSa=\mathgroup4 \symAMSb=\mathgroup5 LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathfrak' in version `bold' (Font) U/euf/m/n --> U/euf/b/n on input line 106. )) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\was\upgreek.sty" Package: upgreek 2003/02/12 v2.0 (WaS) Package upgreek Info: Using Euler Roman for upright Greek on input line 31. \symugrf@m=\mathgroup6 LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `ugrf@m' in version `bold' (Font) U/eur/m/n --> U/eur/b/n on input line 38. ) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\environ\environ.sty" Package: environ 2014/05/04 v0.3 A new way to define environments ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\trimspaces\trimspaces.sty" Package: trimspaces 2009/09/17 v1.1 Trim spaces around a token list )) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\enumitem\enumitem.sty" Package: enumitem 2011/09/28 v3.5.2 Customized lists \labelindent=\skip68 \enit@outerparindent=\dimen169 \enit@toks=\toks24 \enit@inbox=\box46 \enitdp@description=\count267 ) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\natbib\natbib.sty" Package: natbib 2010/09/13 8.31b (PWD, AO) \bibhang=\skip69 \bibsep=\skip70 LaTeX Info: Redefining \cite on input line 694. \c@NAT@ctr=\count268 )) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\inputenc.sty" Package: inputenc 2015/03/17 v1.2c Input encoding file \inpenc@prehook=\toks25 \inpenc@posthook=\toks26 ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\utf8.def" File: utf8.def 2017/01/28 v1.1t UTF-8 support for inputenc Now handling font encoding OML ... ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OML Now handling font encoding T1 ... ... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding T1 ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\t1enc.dfu" File: t1enc.dfu 2017/01/28 v1.1t UTF-8 support for inputenc defining Unicode char U+00A0 (decimal 160) defining Unicode char U+00A1 (decimal 161) defining Unicode char U+00A3 (decimal 163) defining Unicode char U+00AB (decimal 171) defining Unicode char U+00AD (decimal 173) defining Unicode char U+00BB (decimal 187) defining Unicode char U+00BF (decimal 191) defining Unicode char U+00C0 (decimal 192) defining Unicode char U+00C1 (decimal 193) defining Unicode char U+00C2 (decimal 194) defining Unicode char U+00C3 (decimal 195) defining Unicode char U+00C4 (decimal 196) defining Unicode char U+00C5 (decimal 197) defining Unicode char U+00C6 (decimal 198) defining Unicode char U+00C7 (decimal 199) defining Unicode char U+00C8 (decimal 200) defining Unicode char U+00C9 (decimal 201) defining Unicode char U+00CA (decimal 202) defining Unicode char U+00CB (decimal 203) defining Unicode char U+00CC (decimal 204) defining Unicode char U+00CD (decimal 205) defining Unicode char U+00CE (decimal 206) defining Unicode char U+00CF (decimal 207) defining Unicode char U+00D0 (decimal 208) defining Unicode char U+00D1 (decimal 209) defining Unicode char U+00D2 (decimal 210) defining Unicode char U+00D3 (decimal 211) defining Unicode char U+00D4 (decimal 212) defining Unicode char U+00D5 (decimal 213) defining Unicode char U+00D6 (decimal 214) defining Unicode char U+00D8 (decimal 216) defining Unicode char U+00D9 (decimal 217) defining Unicode char U+00DA (decimal 218) defining Unicode char U+00DB (decimal 219) defining Unicode char U+00DC (decimal 220) defining Unicode char U+00DD (decimal 221) defining Unicode char U+00DE (decimal 222) defining Unicode char U+00DF (decimal 223) defining Unicode char U+00E0 (decimal 224) defining Unicode char U+00E1 (decimal 225) defining Unicode char U+00E2 (decimal 226) defining Unicode char U+00E3 (decimal 227) defining Unicode char U+00E4 (decimal 228) defining Unicode char U+00E5 (decimal 229) defining Unicode char U+00E6 (decimal 230) defining Unicode char U+00E7 (decimal 231) defining Unicode char U+00E8 (decimal 232) defining Unicode char U+00E9 (decimal 233) defining Unicode char U+00EA (decimal 234) defining Unicode char U+00EB (decimal 235) defining Unicode char U+00EC (decimal 236) defining Unicode char U+00ED (decimal 237) defining Unicode char U+00EE (decimal 238) defining Unicode char U+00EF (decimal 239) defining Unicode char U+00F0 (decimal 240) defining Unicode char U+00F1 (decimal 241) defining Unicode char U+00F2 (decimal 242) defining Unicode char U+00F3 (decimal 243) defining Unicode char U+00F4 (decimal 244) defining Unicode char U+00F5 (decimal 245) defining Unicode char U+00F6 (decimal 246) defining Unicode char U+00F8 (decimal 248) defining Unicode char U+00F9 (decimal 249) defining Unicode char U+00FA (decimal 250) defining Unicode char U+00FB (decimal 251) defining Unicode char U+00FC (decimal 252) defining Unicode char U+00FD (decimal 253) defining Unicode char U+00FE (decimal 254) defining Unicode char U+00FF (decimal 255) defining Unicode char U+0100 (decimal 256) defining Unicode char U+0101 (decimal 257) defining Unicode char U+0102 (decimal 258) defining Unicode char U+0103 (decimal 259) defining Unicode char U+0104 (decimal 260) defining Unicode char U+0105 (decimal 261) defining Unicode char U+0106 (decimal 262) defining Unicode char U+0107 (decimal 263) defining Unicode char U+0108 (decimal 264) defining Unicode char U+0109 (decimal 265) defining Unicode char U+010A (decimal 266) defining Unicode char U+010B (decimal 267) defining Unicode char U+010C (decimal 268) defining Unicode char U+010D (decimal 269) defining Unicode char U+010E (decimal 270) defining Unicode char U+010F (decimal 271) defining Unicode char U+0110 (decimal 272) defining Unicode char U+0111 (decimal 273) defining Unicode char U+0112 (decimal 274) defining Unicode char U+0113 (decimal 275) defining Unicode char U+0114 (decimal 276) defining Unicode char U+0115 (decimal 277) defining Unicode char U+0116 (decimal 278) defining Unicode char U+0117 (decimal 279) defining Unicode char U+0118 (decimal 280) defining Unicode char U+0119 (decimal 281) defining Unicode char U+011A (decimal 282) defining Unicode char U+011B (decimal 283) defining Unicode char U+011C (decimal 284) defining Unicode char U+011D (decimal 285) defining Unicode char U+011E (decimal 286) defining Unicode char U+011F (decimal 287) defining Unicode char U+0120 (decimal 288) defining Unicode char U+0121 (decimal 289) defining Unicode char U+0122 (decimal 290) defining Unicode char U+0123 (decimal 291) defining Unicode char U+0124 (decimal 292) defining Unicode char U+0125 (decimal 293) defining Unicode char U+0128 (decimal 296) defining Unicode char U+0129 (decimal 297) defining Unicode char U+012A (decimal 298) defining Unicode char U+012B (decimal 299) defining Unicode char U+012C (decimal 300) defining Unicode char U+012D (decimal 301) defining Unicode char U+012E (decimal 302) defining Unicode char U+012F (decimal 303) defining Unicode char U+0130 (decimal 304) defining Unicode char U+0131 (decimal 305) defining Unicode char U+0132 (decimal 306) defining Unicode char U+0133 (decimal 307) defining Unicode char U+0134 (decimal 308) defining Unicode char U+0135 (decimal 309) defining Unicode char U+0136 (decimal 310) defining Unicode char U+0137 (decimal 311) defining Unicode char U+0139 (decimal 313) defining Unicode char U+013A (decimal 314) defining Unicode char U+013B (decimal 315) defining Unicode char U+013C (decimal 316) defining Unicode char U+013D (decimal 317) defining Unicode char U+013E (decimal 318) defining Unicode char U+0141 (decimal 321) defining Unicode char U+0142 (decimal 322) defining Unicode char U+0143 (decimal 323) defining Unicode char U+0144 (decimal 324) defining Unicode char U+0145 (decimal 325) defining Unicode char U+0146 (decimal 326) defining Unicode char U+0147 (decimal 327) defining Unicode char U+0148 (decimal 328) defining Unicode char U+014A (decimal 330) defining Unicode char U+014B (decimal 331) defining Unicode char U+014C (decimal 332) defining Unicode char U+014D (decimal 333) defining Unicode char U+014E (decimal 334) defining Unicode char U+014F (decimal 335) defining Unicode char U+0150 (decimal 336) defining Unicode char U+0151 (decimal 337) defining Unicode char U+0152 (decimal 338) defining Unicode char U+0153 (decimal 339) defining Unicode char U+0154 (decimal 340) defining Unicode char U+0155 (decimal 341) defining Unicode char U+0156 (decimal 342) defining Unicode char U+0157 (decimal 343) defining Unicode char U+0158 (decimal 344) defining Unicode char U+0159 (decimal 345) defining Unicode char U+015A (decimal 346) defining Unicode char U+015B (decimal 347) defining Unicode char U+015C (decimal 348) defining Unicode char U+015D (decimal 349) defining Unicode char U+015E (decimal 350) defining Unicode char U+015F (decimal 351) defining Unicode char U+0160 (decimal 352) defining Unicode char U+0161 (decimal 353) defining Unicode char U+0162 (decimal 354) defining Unicode char U+0163 (decimal 355) defining Unicode char U+0164 (decimal 356) defining Unicode char U+0165 (decimal 357) defining Unicode char U+0168 (decimal 360) defining Unicode char U+0169 (decimal 361) defining Unicode char U+016A (decimal 362) defining Unicode char U+016B (decimal 363) defining Unicode char U+016C (decimal 364) defining Unicode char U+016D (decimal 365) defining Unicode char U+016E (decimal 366) defining Unicode char U+016F (decimal 367) defining Unicode char U+0170 (decimal 368) defining Unicode char U+0171 (decimal 369) defining Unicode char U+0172 (decimal 370) defining Unicode char U+0173 (decimal 371) defining Unicode char U+0174 (decimal 372) defining Unicode char U+0175 (decimal 373) defining Unicode char U+0176 (decimal 374) defining Unicode char U+0177 (decimal 375) defining Unicode char U+0178 (decimal 376) defining Unicode char U+0179 (decimal 377) defining Unicode char U+017A (decimal 378) defining Unicode char U+017B (decimal 379) defining Unicode char U+017C (decimal 380) defining Unicode char U+017D (decimal 381) defining Unicode char U+017E (decimal 382) defining Unicode char U+01CD (decimal 461) defining Unicode char U+01CE (decimal 462) defining Unicode char U+01CF (decimal 463) defining Unicode char U+01D0 (decimal 464) defining Unicode char U+01D1 (decimal 465) defining Unicode char U+01D2 (decimal 466) defining Unicode char U+01D3 (decimal 467) defining Unicode char U+01D4 (decimal 468) defining Unicode char U+01E2 (decimal 482) defining Unicode char U+01E3 (decimal 483) defining Unicode char U+01E6 (decimal 486) defining Unicode char U+01E7 (decimal 487) defining Unicode char U+01E8 (decimal 488) defining Unicode char U+01E9 (decimal 489) defining Unicode char U+01EA (decimal 490) defining Unicode char U+01EB (decimal 491) defining Unicode char U+01F0 (decimal 496) defining Unicode char U+01F4 (decimal 500) defining Unicode char U+01F5 (decimal 501) defining Unicode char U+0218 (decimal 536) defining Unicode char U+0219 (decimal 537) defining Unicode char U+021A (decimal 538) defining Unicode char U+021B (decimal 539) defining Unicode char U+0232 (decimal 562) defining Unicode char U+0233 (decimal 563) defining Unicode char U+1E02 (decimal 7682) defining Unicode char U+1E03 (decimal 7683) defining Unicode char U+200C (decimal 8204) defining Unicode char U+2010 (decimal 8208) defining Unicode char U+2011 (decimal 8209) defining Unicode char U+2012 (decimal 8210) defining Unicode char U+2013 (decimal 8211) defining Unicode char U+2014 (decimal 8212) defining Unicode char U+2015 (decimal 8213) defining Unicode char U+2018 (decimal 8216) defining Unicode char U+2019 (decimal 8217) defining Unicode char U+201A (decimal 8218) defining Unicode char U+201C (decimal 8220) defining Unicode char U+201D (decimal 8221) defining Unicode char U+201E (decimal 8222) defining Unicode char U+2030 (decimal 8240) defining Unicode char U+2031 (decimal 8241) defining Unicode char U+2039 (decimal 8249) defining Unicode char U+203A (decimal 8250) defining Unicode char U+2423 (decimal 9251) defining Unicode char U+1E20 (decimal 7712) defining Unicode char U+1E21 (decimal 7713) ) Now handling font encoding OT1 ... ... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OT1 ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\ot1enc.dfu" File: ot1enc.dfu 2017/01/28 v1.1t UTF-8 support for inputenc defining Unicode char U+00A0 (decimal 160) defining Unicode char U+00A1 (decimal 161) defining Unicode char U+00A3 (decimal 163) defining Unicode char U+00AD (decimal 173) defining Unicode char U+00B8 (decimal 184) defining Unicode char U+00BF (decimal 191) defining Unicode char U+00C5 (decimal 197) defining Unicode char U+00C6 (decimal 198) defining Unicode char U+00D8 (decimal 216) defining Unicode char U+00DF (decimal 223) defining Unicode char U+00E6 (decimal 230) defining Unicode char U+00EC (decimal 236) defining Unicode char U+00ED (decimal 237) defining Unicode char U+00EE (decimal 238) defining Unicode char U+00EF (decimal 239) defining Unicode char U+00F8 (decimal 248) defining Unicode char U+0131 (decimal 305) defining Unicode char U+0141 (decimal 321) defining Unicode char U+0142 (decimal 322) defining Unicode char U+0152 (decimal 338) defining Unicode char U+0153 (decimal 339) defining Unicode char U+0174 (decimal 372) defining Unicode char U+0175 (decimal 373) defining Unicode char U+0176 (decimal 374) defining Unicode char U+0177 (decimal 375) defining Unicode char U+0218 (decimal 536) defining Unicode char U+0219 (decimal 537) defining Unicode char U+021A (decimal 538) defining Unicode char U+021B (decimal 539) defining Unicode char U+2013 (decimal 8211) defining Unicode char U+2014 (decimal 8212) defining Unicode char U+2018 (decimal 8216) defining Unicode char U+2019 (decimal 8217) defining Unicode char U+201C (decimal 8220) defining Unicode char U+201D (decimal 8221) ) Now handling font encoding OMS ... ... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OMS ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\omsenc.dfu" File: omsenc.dfu 2017/01/28 v1.1t UTF-8 support for inputenc defining Unicode char U+00A7 (decimal 167) defining Unicode char U+00B6 (decimal 182) defining Unicode char U+00B7 (decimal 183) defining Unicode char U+2020 (decimal 8224) defining Unicode char U+2021 (decimal 8225) defining Unicode char U+2022 (decimal 8226) ) Now handling font encoding OMX ... ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OMX Now handling font encoding U ... ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding U defining Unicode char U+00A9 (decimal 169) defining Unicode char U+00AA (decimal 170) defining Unicode char U+00AE (decimal 174) defining Unicode char U+00BA (decimal 186) defining Unicode char U+02C6 (decimal 710) defining Unicode char U+02DC (decimal 732) defining Unicode char U+200C (decimal 8204) defining Unicode char U+2026 (decimal 8230) defining Unicode char U+2122 (decimal 8482) defining Unicode char U+2423 (decimal 9251) )) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\mathabx\mathabx.sty" Package: mathabx 2003/07/29 v0.0 Non-standard LaTeX package mathabx \symmatha=\mathgroup7 \symmathb=\mathgroup8 \symmathx=\mathgroup9 ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\mathabx\mathabx.dcl" LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \cdotp on input line 25. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \times on input line 33. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \div on input line 34. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \cdot on input line 35. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \circ on input line 36. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \ast on input line 38. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \pm on input line 41. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \mp on input line 42. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \ltimes on input line 43. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \rtimes on input line 44. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \diamond on input line 45. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \bullet on input line 46. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \star on input line 47. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \amalg on input line 51. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \dotplus on input line 58. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \square on input line 63. 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LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \nsubseteqq on input line 359. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \nsupseteqq on input line 360. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \subsetneqq on input line 361. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \supsetneqq on input line 362. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \varsubsetneqq on input line 363. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \varsupsetneqq on input line 364. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Subset on input line 366. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Supset on input line 367. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \sqsubseteq on input line 380. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \sqsupseteq on input line 381. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \triangleleft on input line 407. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \vartriangleleft on input line 408. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \triangleright on input line 409. 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LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \curvearrowright on input line 633. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \circlearrowleft on input line 641. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \circlearrowright on input line 642 . LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \rightsquigarrow on input line 645. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \leftrightsquigarrow on input line 646. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \oplus on input line 658. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \ominus on input line 659. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \otimes on input line 661. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \odot on input line 663. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \oslash on input line 675. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \boxplus on input line 683. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \boxminus on input line 684. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \boxtimes on input line 686. 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LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \updownarrow on input line 870. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \Uparrow on input line 871. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \Downarrow on input line 872. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \Updownarrow on input line 873. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \lgroup on input line 880. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \rgroup on input line 881. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \lceil on input line 882. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \rceil on input line 883. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \lfloor on input line 884. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \rfloor on input line 885. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \braceld on input line 903. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \bracerd on input line 905. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \bracelu on input line 907. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \braceru on input line 909. 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(etexcmds) That can mean that you are not using pdfTeX 1.50 or (etexcmds) that some package has redefined \expanded. (etexcmds) In the latter case, load this package earlier. ))) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\oberdiek\pdftexcmds.sty" Package: pdftexcmds 2017/03/19 v0.25 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO ) Package pdftexcmds Info: LuaTeX not detected. Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@primitive is available. Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@ifprimitive is available. Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found. ) Package epstopdf-base Info: Redefining graphics rule for `.eps' on input line 4 38. Package grfext Info: Graphics extension search list: (grfext) [.pdf,.png,.jpg,.mps,.jpeg,.jbig2,.jb2,.PDF,.PNG,.JPG,.JPE G,.JBIG2,.JB2,.eps] (grfext) \AppendGraphicsExtensions on input line 456. ) Now handling font encoding TS1 ... ... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding TS1 ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\ts1enc.dfu" File: ts1enc.dfu 2017/01/28 v1.1t UTF-8 support for inputenc defining Unicode char U+00A2 (decimal 162) defining Unicode char U+00A3 (decimal 163) defining Unicode char U+00A4 (decimal 164) defining Unicode char U+00A5 (decimal 165) defining Unicode char U+00A6 (decimal 166) defining Unicode char U+00A7 (decimal 167) defining Unicode char U+00A8 (decimal 168) defining Unicode char U+00A9 (decimal 169) defining Unicode char U+00AA (decimal 170) defining Unicode char U+00AC (decimal 172) defining Unicode char U+00AE (decimal 174) defining Unicode char U+00AF (decimal 175) defining Unicode char U+00B0 (decimal 176) defining Unicode char U+00B1 (decimal 177) defining Unicode char U+00B2 (decimal 178) defining Unicode char U+00B3 (decimal 179) defining Unicode char U+00B4 (decimal 180) defining Unicode char U+00B5 (decimal 181) defining Unicode char U+00B6 (decimal 182) defining Unicode char U+00B7 (decimal 183) defining Unicode char U+00B9 (decimal 185) defining Unicode char U+00BA (decimal 186) defining Unicode char U+00BC (decimal 188) defining Unicode char U+00BD (decimal 189) defining Unicode char U+00BE (decimal 190) defining Unicode char U+00D7 (decimal 215) defining Unicode char U+00F7 (decimal 247) defining Unicode char U+0192 (decimal 402) defining Unicode char U+02C7 (decimal 711) defining Unicode char U+02D8 (decimal 728) defining Unicode char U+02DD (decimal 733) defining Unicode char U+0E3F (decimal 3647) defining Unicode char U+2016 (decimal 8214) defining Unicode char U+2020 (decimal 8224) defining Unicode char U+2021 (decimal 8225) defining Unicode char U+2022 (decimal 8226) defining Unicode char U+2030 (decimal 8240) defining Unicode char U+2031 (decimal 8241) defining Unicode char U+203B (decimal 8251) defining Unicode char U+203D (decimal 8253) defining Unicode char U+2044 (decimal 8260) defining Unicode char U+204E (decimal 8270) defining Unicode char U+2052 (decimal 8274) defining Unicode char U+20A1 (decimal 8353) defining Unicode char U+20A4 (decimal 8356) defining Unicode char U+20A6 (decimal 8358) defining Unicode char U+20A9 (decimal 8361) defining Unicode char U+20AB (decimal 8363) defining Unicode char U+20AC (decimal 8364) defining Unicode char U+20B1 (decimal 8369) defining Unicode char U+2103 (decimal 8451) defining Unicode char U+2116 (decimal 8470) defining Unicode char U+2117 (decimal 8471) defining Unicode char U+211E (decimal 8478) defining Unicode char U+2120 (decimal 8480) defining Unicode char U+2122 (decimal 8482) defining Unicode char U+2126 (decimal 8486) defining Unicode char U+2127 (decimal 8487) defining Unicode char U+212E (decimal 8494) defining Unicode char U+2190 (decimal 8592) defining Unicode char U+2191 (decimal 8593) defining Unicode char U+2192 (decimal 8594) defining Unicode char U+2193 (decimal 8595) defining Unicode char U+2329 (decimal 9001) defining Unicode char U+232A (decimal 9002) defining Unicode char U+2422 (decimal 9250) defining Unicode char U+25E6 (decimal 9702) defining Unicode char U+25EF (decimal 9711) defining Unicode char U+266A (decimal 9834) ) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\translator\translator-basic-dictionary- English.dict" Dictionary: translator-basic-dictionary, Language: English ) ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\siunitx\siunitx-abbreviations.cfg" File: siunitx-abbreviations.cfg 2017/11/26 v2.7k siunitx: Abbreviated units ) \c__siunitx_mathsf_int=\count296 LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for OT1+lmr on input line 29. 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(pdftex.def) Requested size: 227.8507pt x 166.62209pt. [10 <./72A712Fig01-eps-converted-to.pdf>] [11] Package epstopdf Info: Source file: <72A712Fig02.eps> (epstopdf) date: 2019-11-30 11:27:55 (epstopdf) size: 935646 bytes (epstopdf) Output file: <72A712Fig02-eps-converted-to.pdf> (epstopdf) date: 2019-11-30 11:49:29 (epstopdf) size: 67844 bytes (epstopdf) Command: (epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 398. Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. <72A712Fig02-eps-converted-to.pdf, id=73, 398.48875pt x 300.12125pt> File: 72A712Fig02-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Package pdftex.def Info: 72A712Fig02-eps-converted-to.pdf used on input line 3 98. (pdftex.def) Requested size: 398.48778pt x 300.12051pt. Overfull \hbox (22.42444pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 413--413 []\T1/lmtt/m/n/10.95 \caption{Two-column figures should be $\leq$178$\,$mm. 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