MISSION: Pine Islands 05 DATE: 20141029 SPECIAL ISSUES: % -----------------------------------% % -------------------------------------% Today, we are implementing a new data-writing technique. Because writing directly to the server has been creating header issues, we are now writing directly to the NI RAID array and using a sync tool called GoodSync. There are two preset 'jobs' that Wells and Carabajal ironed out the details on. These jobs will check once a minute for new data on NI raid, board0 and board1, and automatically migrate the data to the server. Please do NOT mess with the settings, because it took some fine tuning to avoid header-write errors. In order to use this tool, open GoodSync once the FO is up. It will continually move data on the RAID array to the server. If there is any trashable data from the previous day remaining on the NI, delete it from the NI prior to starting the software, or extra copies will write to the FO. Then, you can record like normal and the software will run in the background, copying the data as it is written. Again, PLEASE DO NOT MESS WITH THE SETTINGS. If you change the auto-sync to 'look for file changes', then the service will write incomplete datasets, and the data will have header sync problems. Additionally, ENSURE THAT THE RADAR GUI IS SET TO RECORD TO THE NI RAID ARRAY, AND NOT THE FO. LET THE SOFTWARE SYNC THE DATA. % -------------------------------------% % -----------------------------------% DATE NOTES: For good measure, following guide and commenting on each action step. STEPS FOR STARTUP Power to GPS - check Power to dds - check Run dds software(run via exe) - check Run radar software (run via exe) - check Records: segment00: high_altitude, 25 presums segment01: low_altitude_survey segment02: equalization_10us segment03: noise segment04: survey line, low-altitude survey No high altitude over land ice today, we have to look into PA 5 and see what's up. first drill site pres2 163709z second pres3 163724z third pres1 172227z Seeing some weird stuff around 1716; please process and let me know what that thing was.