MISSION: Endurance DATE: 20141016 SPECIAL ISSUES: DATE NOTES: For good measure, following guide and commenting on each action step. STEPS FOR STARTUP Power to GPS - check Power to dds - check Run dds software(run via exe) - check Run radar software (run via exe) - check (waiting for take-off to fire-up PAs) Today's happenings: Taxi - 1215 z Takeoff: 121947 z (MCoRDS time ahead by about a minute. Will coordinate a time-sync during flight) Ramp-pass: 122921 z Coordinated UTC: 123200 PA fans: 1235 PAs on: 1238 Recording noise data: 124254_01_0000 until 124435_01_0013 Recorded more noise data: 130454_02_0000 until 130516_02_0003 Equalization_10us data: 142310_03_0000 until 142423_03_0005 Equalization_1us data: 211940_04_0000 until 212032_04_0004 Second ramppass: 231349 z