CReSIS L3 Data Products README Directory: - Main directory which includes most recent files. (Note "Last Modified" data for changes) - /preliminary_products/ (Custom preliminary products) - /old_format/ (Out of Data and Legacy format data sets. Not recommended for use) - /manifest/ (OIB data copy manifest/s) CReSIS L3 Grid Format - Includes the following directories and files. /boundaries/ - ESRI SHP of study region boundary polygon. /errors/ - CSV and MAT containing crossover analysis results for the data flightpaths. - TXT containing statistics from the crossover analysis results. - PNG preview image of the crossovers plotted over the flight paths. /flightlines/ - ESRI SHP of the flight paths. - TXT (XYZ...) format of the flight paths. /grids/ - ESRI ASCII Grids of Surface Thickness, Ice Thickness, and Ice Bottom. - Note: Bottom is ICE BOTTOM, this includes (where applicable) floating ice. /preview_images/ - Preview images of the surface, ice thickness, ice bottom and flightlines. /readme/ - A secondary README file containing more detailed information about the files. If you have any questions please contact us at Data Citations are noted in the individual posting README.